Edwin Tan

Create Your Badge

I've the Passion to make you smile. ((:
&YES I'm always surrounded by girls.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

21st Birthday Presents!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thomas Whatsmyname at 9:54 PM

OKAY the most meaningful, thoughtful and sweet present was of cos from my beloved J.E.D.C lah! HAHA! They actually made a scrapbook summarising our friendships since 4 years ago! OMG I loved them can! :D Let's see their masterpiece!

J.E.D.C 's Journey Together..
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The other presents I loved.

Crumpler Backpack
Additional present from J.E.D.C :D

Braun Buffel Wallet
From Joyce the SCANDAL & Jean the TWIN.

Anonymous lol!
Agnes B Key Holder
From YY!

Funky Swatch LED Watch

DKNY 'Be Delicious' Green Apple Perfume
From Priscilla, Zuin, Liling, Kylie and Cecilia
Stussy Backpack
From Syimah, Edward, Aznita & Hanizah

I simply love all my friends.
&now I know they're rich.

My 21st Crayons Birthday.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thomas Whatsmyname at 12:34 PM

A day filled with excitement and anticipation. But at one point of time it really worries me cos some told me last minute they couldn't come. So I was afraid more would do so.. but they didn't ((:

I ran a little late to reach the place - Marina Square KBOX. Hurried to finish up some simple deco and we are set to welcome my guests. Lucky there was Nicole around. She drove all the way to Bukit Timah to help me collect the cake (She DESIGNED it!), and all the planning, booking of the places and food are all done by her. I really didn't had time to do so cos of my hectic sailing schedules. I told her I will be buying her something to show my gratitude :D

Some arrived super early. Some was late. But it is always late than never. At least for those who came I know they care and they made the effort. Anyway the presents were perfect. Maybe cos I told them what I want and what I don't want hahaha! They didn't disappoint me hohoho! OKAY let's show off the peektures of the day. :D

So slowly the guests arrived...

J.E.D.C - Janee.eDwIn.Denise
Carney couldn't make it. =(

YY - 8 years of friendship & still counting!

The Sotong - Jasmin.

Happy Family. ((:
Relatives came to give their wishes too :D
My crazy navy mates. HOHOHO!!
Dog lovers. Yiwen&Felicia.

Then I decided to open up my presents LOL.
Cake Cutting Time!
Supper Gang. They're all that special ((:

Nicole Zheng! Ever Best Friend!
She's the planner :D

*updates on the presents again soon. :D

Been a while..
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thomas Whatsmyname at 11:13 AM

Sorry guys for the lack of updates! But I'm back now! HAHA! Sailing has been hectic since Nov started. Next month is no better I must say. Anyway my own season celebration is coming lol. My 21st hurray! Anyway the planning was hardcore cos I only manage to settle it like yesterday?! Initial plan was to have it in Cafe Del Mar. But mentioning it boils me up totally. They're fuck up can. I say again.. F.U.C.K U.P. We called them in the day and they say its available for booking. So they say later send mail to them regarding the booking cos their system all needs black and white. My dear buddy Nicole, my planner for bday, send mail to them in the night of the same day we called them. The person in charge replied saying the place has been booked already a& ask us to look at other dates for reservation. WTFFFFFF CAN.

Okay anyway I have settled it at Marina Square Kbox. I thought it was a good idea considering the fact I am a singing maniac lol. And I realise most people I invited will come. Guests should have already receive my sms ((:

eDwIn's Crayons 21st Birthday Party
Venue: Marina Square KBOX
Time: 6pm- 11pm

Food: Certified Halal Buffet

Drinks: Non-Alcoholic & BEER
Cake Cutting Time: 9.30pm
Theme: Crayons

See you guys there. I love you all :D

Sunday, November 01, 2009
Thomas Whatsmyname at 11:45 PM

I recently SECRETLY randomly bought a new random touch screen phone. A super pretty on the outside but not the inside (I meant the functions..), which also means its practically a BIMBO phone thanks. Let's peep at it :D

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