Edwin Tan

Create Your Badge

I've the Passion to make you smile. ((:
&YES I'm always surrounded by girls.

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Saturday, December 31, 2005
Thomas Whatsmyname at 4:20 AM

see i so ke lian... kanna bully by 2 gals!!! LOL!!!

black christmas
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Thomas Whatsmyname at 1:31 AM

ytd had a cell christmas party...
called the 'Black Christmas Party'...
had so much fun...
got quite a handful of presents...
cardholder, note holder, box of kitkat and blah blah blah...
played games too...
eat alot especially...
cos the party was at nicole's house...
and she brought out her scrap book...
with photos inside...
then i saw those photos when i was with her...
wonderful one...
a regretful one too...
i am a typical kind of guy...
'lose what is important before treasuring it'
it's in the past...
but memories roam my mind for so long...
nothing will chgn the fact that nicole was once the gal i love most...
still i thought she had chgn to a better person...
a better gal friend and also a better pal to me too...
this is good...
because god is changing her...
maybe now her current boyfriend, Ronald, is changing her...
using the power of LOVE... =X

then went home to chgn...
and rush over to my 5th grand aunt's house to visit her...
cos she had cancer and is about to leave this earth...
watching her on her bed i feel like crying...
when i was small she was like a grandma to me...
always inviting me to her house to play with her grand children...
she will look after me providing everything to my needs...
she looks so tough on the outside...
however she is not in the inside...
in the afternoon her sisters all came to see her...
because her illness had worsen and everyone had made the worst preparations..
seeing her like this...
so different from the past when she is like a lady of steel...
now she is lying on her bed can't even eat on her own...
can't even breathe properly...
this shows the vulnerability of humans...
we are definitely soft and vulnerable on the inside...
heart broken i am...
so many things happen this year...
so many deaths and so many changes...
how can i cope?...

JB trip
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Thomas Whatsmyname at 5:06 AM

triplets from rp... on a JB taxi going 'Holiday Inn'.. =)

is pangseh people that pleasurable?!
Thomas Whatsmyname at 5:01 AM

i also dunno what to say...
why i keep getting pangseh by friends de...
is dat wad true friends sure do to each other?!
at first all say okay...
then confirm everything liao...
why always when it's on the day itself then say cannot.?
wad's the prob man?
fucking attitude lor...
had enough...
wth... wtf... wt-cb...
everytime also like dat...
now even i no mood to go see the play liao...
i shall try doing that to othrs to see whether it's this damn pleasurable...

qiqi + hanhan
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Thomas Whatsmyname at 4:33 AM

qiqi says i look like junyang...
face look quite alike then hair look totally the same.. -_-"
realli meh?...
or is it qiqi de eyes got stamp... hahahaha
i think i'm ugly...!!! =(

Thursday, December 15, 2005
Thomas Whatsmyname at 8:13 PM

later going training...
today de training earlier leh... =)
from 3 - 5...
then i can go home watch tv liao...
nothing to do then play cs...
but then i now still sleepy...
even after bathing... -_-"
nvr mind...
hope today coach got come lor...
cos ytd not he send mail to tellus about the courts available...
then scared he nvr come today...
then waste my time go there play play only...
hahahahahahaha... =p
ytd got cell outing...
actually shld be counted as the last cell le...
cos we've made the cross-over...
means everything changes liao... =(
we had fun...
met up for dinner at food court in marina square...
then had ice-cream waffle at 'People Say' Cafe...
the ambience like NICE lah...
enjoyed the whole day...
and hor...
before meeting the cell at 7pm...
i went to suntec with Jie han and Benjamin...
go SHOPPING!!!...
cos i got 50% off vouchers mah...
then cannot finish using...
so ask them come to buy clothes also...
don wanna waste the vouchers lor...
i bought a shirt + a long sleeve black t-shirt...
all long sleeve de now...
cos winter season mah...

qiqi and mE =)
Thomas Whatsmyname at 5:57 AM

rene + win
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Thomas Whatsmyname at 10:10 PM

look at how rene and me grow up in juz a year... =)

crows outing
Thomas Whatsmyname at 5:58 AM

it's a bit blurr... but this is the crows family... not full... 4 is also fun... =)

still at home
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Thomas Whatsmyname at 2:31 AM

no go watch movie le...
melvyn lah...
carney sms him several times then he nvr reply...
so we thought he doze off le...
so nvr mind...
next time den go lor...
furthermore it's quite late liao then i wanna watch tv also...
but the MOST important thing is that...!
CS server is up le!!!
finally can play liao...
three days no shoot le...
later wait for more ppl to realise and play then i go inside play also...

kanna ps again
Friday, December 09, 2005
Thomas Whatsmyname at 11:21 PM

sian lah...
the most scariest thing is when i wake up...
switch on my hp...
decided to chgn and prepare to go out...
then my friends sms me say last min got something on...
cannot go liao...
ask me ask someone else...
cannot take it liao lah...
forever so suay...
ME!!! i am the SUAY one...
wad's this man...? =(
actually going k box de...
then in the end stayed home rot the whole day...
then keep sleeping like pig sia...
but then later maybe going watch movie...
with carney and melvyn...
but then still dunno go where to watch...
cos i live north east mah...
then they live in the west...
place abit FAR... -.-"

badminton whole day leh!!!!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Thomas Whatsmyname at 8:44 PM

so tired now...
resting... 0_0"
cos morning wake up 8.30am...
then go rene's house to take rackets...
cos that time saturday i lazy then she help me bring home...
then in the end i need to take back from her...
cos playing badminton before later's training mah...
with my bro and his buddies...
from 12-2...
now juz reached home leh...
wanna die liao...
don even wan to think about later's training...
i sure very slack one...
cos coach, ah loke, said he will be choosing the team for IVP...
then ask those who wants to participate must come for all training...
and must also train hard...
i wanna go lor...
realli wanna go...
it's going to be a good experience for me de...
cos i haven really go for any big tournament before...
saddening sia... =(

~ the triplets from RP ~
Thomas Whatsmyname at 5:58 AM

tmr singing session =)
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Thomas Whatsmyname at 4:41 AM

tmr going k box...
then can sing liao!!!!
i waited for so long...
from 2-6...
got student package...
$6++ only leh...
this one is sure can afford de...
Wahahahahaha... =)
actually going with serene, jasmin and jackson...
but then now jackson not going liao...
cos he got something on...
he so bad lor...
confirm with us first...
then now he said he got one long lost friend ask him play badminton...
then he wanna meet up with him... =(
like that lah...
nvr mind...
i think sure got chance de lah...
i wonder how serene and jasmin sings leh...
curious!!!! =p
i scared tmr my throat worsen...
then cannot reach the pitch...
ok lah...
tired liao...
get enough energy for tmr leh... -_-"

let it come.. let it go..
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Thomas Whatsmyname at 7:54 PM

i have no ability to chgn anything...
i can only wait...
seeing my friends finding true love one by one...
happy for them...
but i am feeling juz the opposite...
where's mine?!

mom and me!!!!
Thomas Whatsmyname at 3:56 AM

happy holidays!!!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Thomas Whatsmyname at 2:49 AM

today last day of school...
now tern break again!!!!
now i can have sufficient sleep liao...
then can focus more on badminton too...
and i will make sure this holiday i will get to enjoy...
going out...
having fun...
i want all this...
planning to go singing with my classmates next week..
then next tuesday going out to sing with rene, jas and jackson...
it's gonna be fun...
that time they celebrate my birthday was so much fun...
we seem as if we entertain each other lo...
then like GOSSIP all the way...
abt.. Err.. 'yuanyuan'...
then like talk non stop...
now holiday liao...
i gonna plan wad to do...
or else i will be bored at home...
i don wan lor...
last semester break i already sian at home for one month liao..
this is not going to happen again...
i will not allow it!!!!
nothing to do i also will go find things to do...
or else very pathetic lehz... =(

worry for myself...
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Thomas Whatsmyname at 9:04 PM

IVP coming liao...
but then like only 7 people will be playing for the school...
i think my chance like damn low lah...
cos like seniors all playing..
it's like abit unfair lor...
cos some of them so lousy... =x
then somemore the coach says will look at the attendance...
also bluff one..
seniors de attendance like shit lor...
even if got space also got one or two more...
then sure will choose jackson one...
i train so hard...
improve so much compared to last time...
dunno they can see not...
nothing i can do also...
juz need to grumble a little...
if i am not choosen...
i decided liao...
i will stop going for training liao...
waste my time lor...
when you are not appreciated...
and coach train those going for IVP i go dere for sai?!!!
i wanna go... =(

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